Best of All: Sara Pedicone

Sara has been attending GiGi’s Playhouse before she was even born! At GiGi’s, she has been involved in many of our programs. LMNOP, Leaps and Bounds, Kids Dance, GiGiFIT Kids, speech & Language, math, and literacy tutoring. She will also be attending Kitchen Kids in the fall! 

Her recent progress has been imminent through her sessions with Regina our SLP and continue at home.  

Sara has shown increased attention in sessions and has been making tremendous progress with producing more intelligible sentences! She has been targeting 5-7 word utterances using pacing and a visual sentence including both the written word and photo cue. It has helped her slow down and over articulate each single word resulting in a clearer sentence. Her mom, Grace, mentioned carryover at home by using her fingers for each word as a visual cue to show Sara that she needs to break up her words. Additionally, she has mastered greetings such as introducing herself, asking “What’s your name? and stating, “Nice to meet you.” She’s even been able to interact more with GiGi’s staff requesting for her “strawberry gelato” each week! 

We are so proud of her and can’t wait to see all she accomplishes!  

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