Hope everyone is enjoying this Chicago land fall weather! The play house has so many things coming up in the next few months! When the holidays are with in weeks there must be something happening here!

November dates to remember

~Open play every thursday 12:30-2 pizza included!

~Saturday programs November 12

Crawlers 9 am

2’s and under 10am Turkey Hand prints!

Hop Skip Jumpers 11:30 Thanksgiving activities!

~Nuestros Angeles 11 am
December dates to remember

~open play every thursday 12:30-2 pizza included
~Saturday Programs December 10th
~December 14th Caroling at Friendship village 7pm
Our halloween parties were a big hit this year!! Pictures coming this week!

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Hoffman Playhouse Facebook Page!

Become a fan of our Facebook page! We will use the Facebook Page to share information about special events, post event photos and discuss current topics.http://www.facebook.com/gigisplayhousehoffmanestates

Halloween Party – Lots of Fun!!

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