Welcome Anna!

This week, we welcomed a new college student intern, Anna! She has almost finished her first week at Hugs & Mugs, and we are so excited to have her. Here are a few words from Anna:

“I am studying to get my undergraduate degree in Journalism with minors in English and Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Denver. During the school year, I work at DU’s student center welcome desk. I am also a member of Tri Delta Sorority and actively support their philanthropy with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. It feels great to support families during a difficult time in their lives.

I have learning differences and so I understand what it means to get the extra help needed to thrive. Working with people with Down syndrome gives me the opportunity to give back to others and be part of a compassionate, caring community to create positive change.

In my free time, I love to hike and read. I am excited to work at Hugs and Mugs this summer!”

Welcome, Anna, we are thrilled to have you with us!

Please be sure to stop into Hugs & Mugs this summer to say hi and have a treat!

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