Summer 2015 tutoring registration is now open!

Looking for something fun and educational to do this summer?  The Summer 2015 tutoring session is now open for registration.  Take a look at our website here to register as a tutor or a student!

Nicole is a GiGi U graduate, Hugs + Mugs mentor and Literacy and Math student in our tutoring program.  Nicole and her tutor, Rita, have been matched for a while and are making some wonderful progress together!  Every week, Nicole runs into the Playhouse, hugs Rita and they get started on their lesson for the day.  Seeing the wonderful bond they have formed is icing on the cake of Nicole’s many accomplishments.  When she came to GiGi’s Playhouse, Nicole didn’t talk to many people and had a difficult time reading.  Now, she is teaching her fellow co-workers how to read the register screen and greeting customers as they walk into Hugs + Mugs.  Nicole has worked so hard as a mentor, graduate and student, and we can’t wait to have her back in our Literacy program this summer! #GiGisBelieves #BestofAll #strength


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