Grace’s first time on stage

We had an exciting first in the Playhouse on Tuesday morning before LMNOP. Grace and her Grandma, Christine, come to LMNOP every week, and the transformation we have seen in Grace from her first class through today is just phenomenal.  We were all standing around the stage waiting for class to begin, and Grace crawls over to the stage and steps onto it without any help.  Grandma Christine froze and said, “That was the first time Grace has crawled over a step.  She doesn’t have steps in her house, and I have never seen her do that before!” The group erupted in cheers and congratulations for such a wonderful milestone! We feel truly blessed to be a part of so many firsts, and we invite you to come into the Playhouse and experience a first with us!

Grace up on stage for blog

#GiGis Believes #BestofAll #inspiration


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