Fall Into Acceptance: Generation G

Generation G is an ongoing journey of global acceptance.

Differences do not discriminate. We are all one birth, one accident, one diagnosis or one other defining moment away from being different, or loving someone who may be different. Program achievements at GiGi’s Playhouse are great victories. These achievements do not guarantee lasting acceptance for someone with Down syndrome or for anyone who appears different. GiGi’s Playhouse advances a vision of global acceptance through Generation G: a campaign for lasting acceptance social change. A movement with a simple philosophy: make a conscious decision to be better every day. Be Accepting. Be Generous. Be Kind.

Generation G


In the late summer and early fall, many people see posts on Facebook about children returning to school, and the importance of reminding them to be accepting and kind to their friends and fellow students. THIS IS GENERATION G TOO! Through commitments by families, schools, local businesses, media, donors and more: perceptions of people’s differences transform from fear and ridicule to appreciation and acceptance.


How will you demonstrate acceptance in August and September? You can set an example for our children and our community? There are so many ways to help:

– Post a picture on social media of a G and heart on your hand!

– Upload a picture on social media of you wearing a Generation G shirt!

– Wear a Generation G shirt or wristband and purchase the same for your children or friends!

– Volunteer at your local Playhouse for an upcoming special event!

– Invite your children and/or their classroom to visit the Playhouse.

– Schedule your children and/or their classroom to make mugs with our interns!

– Welcome our interns to show off their creative and speaking skills at your place of business!

– Host a fundraising event for GiGi’s Playhouse and invite our interns or families to co-host!

Generation G

Make a conscious decision to be better every day. If not for yourself, than for someone else who needs a little extra help. Thank you for joining Generation G, and thank you for believing in our families!



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