Today of all days, be accepting, be generous, be kind

Today is GiGi Gianni’s 16th birthday. We had the pleasure of visiting with GiGi and Nancy at an GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley Open Play last week. Nancy and GiGi #enthusiastically greeted everyone there, even though we were one of many visits that week! Nancy and GiGi were there to celebrate our #bestofall moments by looking at moms’ pictures of how their little one has grown since they last visited, and watching toddlers first steps, paint brush strokes, and gobbles of pizza. GiGi and Nancy were there to #Getitdone signing autographs of their book and taking numerous photos with families. It is so inspiring to think what they have accomplished in 16 short years- from a mom’s vision for a more positive world for her daughter, to now more than 37 Playhouses across the United States and Mexico, and over 200+ inquiries about building a Playhouse.
One of the best moments of the visit was when Nancy and GiGi were waiting in line to check in. Nancy scribbled down her name and invited GiGi to follow, and GiGi said, “I don’t need to sign in, my name is on the door!” That’s right GiGi, your name is on the door, and how thankful so many of us are that it is! Thank you for being an inspiration to us every day.
Happy birthday to this inspiring young woman. In honor of her birthday I encourage you all to do something that shows that we are a part of #generationG.
What is one way that you can be accepting? What is one way you can be generous? What is one way you can be kind? Seize the day!

Sign the Generation G pledge today!

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