Meet Avery

Meet Avery

“Down Syndrome Awareness Month offers an opportunity for awareness, but it also allows time for our family to reflect on the journey we have had so far after the arrival of our princess, Avery Grace. We have found from the moment Avery was born, she has continually amazed us with her ability to break down barriers. Avery is a strong, spunky, 3-year-old with an infectious smile. Avery loves to sing, dance, take care of her baby dolls, and play with her brother. This year, with starting preschool, she continues to prove that SHE CAN do anything. Avery has an unwavering determination to master a challenging skill, and she can befriend every person she meets. Our family has been able to learn so much from our little firecracker in just her short three years of life. Avery Grace, we thank you for teaching us how to be hopeful, patient, dedicated, kind, proud, and unapologetically ourselves.”

-written by mom, Jill

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  1. Mark and Denise Campbell on October 28, 2020 at 6:56 pm

    What a beautiful tribute to Avery Grace! She is loved by everyone who knows her. She is strong, smart, kind, loving, caring, funny and so a joy to be with. We praise God for Avery!❤️

  2. Doug Miller on October 29, 2020 at 11:35 am

    I am the fortunate uncle of Miss Avery Grace. I’m sure many people think “why is this happening to us” when they first hear this diagnosis. What is amazing is how quickly that thought is replaced with “how did we get so lucky to have this wonderful child in our lives”. Avery has definitely captured our hearts and she amazes us every day. We love you so much sweet girl!

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