Generation G- NACC Student Advisory Board

Generation G in Action- NACC Student Advisory Board

Lindsay Ewing states, “Our CEO, Kaylin Risvold, was really passionate about starting a group for students to create future ambassadors for the Chamber, and providing them with exposure to the larger organization.

Students applied to join the Advisory Board, and then we held interviews for those interested students. We were lucky to have such a great group of applicants!

The Chamber paired the High School Advisory Board with GiGi’s, because there was a lot of interest amongst the group. Also, Linda Whitaker used to work at GiGi’s and thought this would be an amazing fit—because most of her volunteers were high school students. We thought this was provide a great opportunity for our High School Advisory Board to work with a NFP who really helped support their peers.”

Thank you NACC Student Advisory Board for choosing GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley as your charity for 2021.  The NACC Student Advisory Board will be focusing on bringing Generation G and outreach and will kickstart with a 10 Day Generation G Countdown to World Down Syndrome Day!

You can learn more about NACC Advisory Boards at: Student Advisory Board | Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce

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