Best of All- Ivan
Best of All- Ivan
Best of All is continual, measurable, celebrated and it never ends. It is a daily challenge to do a little better than you did the day before and it’s always celebrated. Possible manifestations: standing just one second longer, reading just one more word, learning just one new number, taking just one more step, never a competition, never completed. Today we’re celebrating Ivan at GiGi’s Kitchen Adult. “Ivan loves chopping vegetables, sautéing them in a pan, and enjoys eating everything he cooks!” GiGi’s Kitchen Adult is designed to emphasize the importance of health and wellness through nutrition education, kitchen safety, food preparation, social activities and a shared meal/snack. Under the guidance of program leaders, participants will learn about and progress through skills including measurements, food handling, knife skills, ingredient identification, palette expansion, and nutrition. Participants will be introduced to various cooking techniques. The GiGi’s Kitchen Adult program will build participants self-esteem and self-confidence through nutrition and wellness!
Register for the next GiGi’s Kitchen Adult program at
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