Parker’s Parfait

Parker and his literacy tutor, John, have been working on Parker’s reading comprehension during our Summer Literacy Tutoring session. What fun they are having! In one recent session, Parker, our resident foodie, got to make a 4th of July Berry Parfait (it’s not only delicious but healthy too)!


Enjoy this treat with your family. See the recipe below.


July the 4th Berry Parfait


½ cup of blueberries

½ cup of raspberries

1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt

½ cup of gluten-free granola or cereal



1, 12-ounce clear glass


Paper towels

Large spoon

Measuring cups



  1. Measure ½ cup of blueberries and pour it into the strainer. Next, measure ½ cup of raspberries and pour it into the strainer. Rinse the berries with cold water.
  2. Take a paper towel and dry the berries.
  3. Measure 1 cup of yogurt using the spoon.
  4. Spoon a small layer of yogurt into the glass so it covers the bottom.
  5. Next place several berries on top of the yogurt.
  6. Sprinkle some granola on top of the berries.
  7. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until the entire glass is filled.
  8. Once you have filled the glass, enjoy!


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