Why GiGi’s: Part 2
Hello everyone! In the second edition of our “Why GiGi’s” series, we hear from our President, Samantha Nunez. She shares her daughter’s diagnosis story and how she came to be a Founding Member then President of GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Myers. She’s working VERY hard as we move toward our Grand Opening. Here’s why:
Why GiGi’s
By Samantha Nunez
Sofia’s presence in this world was felt instantly. There was an overwhelming rush of love and affection that I had never experienced. She was 5 weeks early, arriving on her daddy’s birthday. It was certain from the start that Sofia was going to do things her way, and at her own pace.
My husband and I own our own business, so he had to run off right after Sofia was born. She was instantly placed in the NICU since she arrived early, and I was finally taking a much needed nap. The doctor came in and gently woke me up. To this day, it’s still hazy. I try now to retrace everything that was said and done, but I find myself unable to pull it all together. “Chromosomal Abnormalities” “Down syndrome” “Testing” “Where’s your husband?” “Do you have any family in town?” Is all I can remember, and all I heard during that first conversation.
What preceded was a whirlwind of emotion, thoughts, family, discussions, honesty, questions, facts, and of course Google. It seemed the more I tried to find, the more questions I had. Many questions couldn’t be answered, or questions were answered differently by different people. There were mumblings under the nurses’ breath, under the doctors, under the cardiologist, and the oncologist, and the gists that just kept coming. But there wasn’t a mother’s answers. There wasn’t someone who called me or that I could call to have my breakdown. I needed to have my breakdown with a mom who knew what I was going through. Instead, I had it on Google. Trust me when I say there isn’t a blog, a website, a book that I’m not aware of or have read. Much of it outdated, incorrect, or just nasty.
GiGi’s Playhouse is a place of hope. A place where I could have gotten real answers by real parents. I would have started this journey off so much stronger, knowledgeable, and grateful. It’s a place where my daughter is going to grow to be the best version of herself, which is what I want for all my children. It’s going to give her an opportunity to reach her goals, to build lifelong friendships, and prepare her for college and a career. It’s where she will jump for the first time, read for the first time, maybe find her “one and only.” It will also be a place for my family to connect with others -to be the shoulder to cry on, or bounce ideas off of, or celebrate a victory. Yes, it’s a place for free outcome-based programs which in themselves will have a huge impact on people’s lives, but it’s so much more than that.
There’s so much potential for GiGi’s Playhouse in our community, and I’m so excited and honored to part of it.
Thank you, Samantha, for sharing your story and for your continued work to make this dream a reality!
If you would like to submit your own “Why GiGi’s,” we’d love to hear it and may even include it on the blog!
Comment below or send your “Why GiGi’s” story to us at fortmyers@gigisplayhouse.org
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