“Generation G” SPOTLIGHT : The CCA 8th grade!
Be accepting.
Be generous.
Be kind.
Today, you will “meet” a local school group that stepped up to help GiGi’s Playhouse of Fort Myers by raising funds and collecting needed items for us! These 8th grade students from Classical Christian Academy and their teacher worked hard to raise funds and then purchased items needed at the Playhouse. Since then, they have completed their volunteer orientations and want to start helping out in new ways too! We found this so inspirational, we wanted to hear their stories. They agreed to answer some questions for us, and we could not be more thankful to Mrs. Kim Squicciarini (who goes by Mrs. Squish, how fun is that?) and her awesome students and their families for their acceptance of people with Down syndrome, their generosity, and their kindness along the way. Way to be #GenerationG!
1) Why did you choose to do all this for GiGi’s Playhouse as opposed to another organization?
Alan: “We chose Gigi’s playhouse because we felt that this is the organization we were being called by God to serve.”
Zoe: “We wanted to work with Gigi’s playhouse to give people with Trisomy 21 the chance to be all they can be. No one should be limited. With Gigi’s Playhouse there are so many different ways we can help.”
2) Did you learn anything about GiGi’s Playhouse or Down syndrome in general during your projects?
Dinah: “We learned that Gigi’s playhouse is a positive place where Down Syndrome is celebrated and embraced. I like how positive the organization is and it brings awareness with positivity.”
Mrs. Squish: “Its a place to go to meet people, to talk and to grow. My students loved the happiness that flows from Gigi’s playhouse.”
Andrew: “We learned that anyone can have a child with Down Syndrome. We learned that people with Down Syndrome may have challenges, but they also have different abilities and strengths, just like everyone else.”
3) Why do you think it is important to be generous?
Joseph: “I think it is important to be generous because we are in a position where we are blessed and can help others. We attend a Christian school and we feel that God has been generous to us and we want to give back to others.”
Daniel: “By being generous we can lift the spirit of others and encourage them to do things that might be difficult.”
4) We heard you want to do more volunteering at the Playhouse—what inspired that? What are your plans?
Mrs. Squish: “Our students have lots of thoughts on ways to be involved. We did a supply drive and got our whole school involved. We were able to donate over 160 needed items. The kids are thinking about an Easter fundraiser involving selling a special snack and donating all profits to GiGi’s Playhouse. Our students have already completed their training to begin volunteering in GiGi’s Playhouse. They are especially interested in working with the little children in the program.”
Joel: “In the Bible God tells us to be good Stewards of God’s creations and all people are Image Bearers of God. We are reading a book in class called, “Do Hard Things” that is inspiring us to step out of our comfort zones to do hard things for God.”
Joseph: “We are learning that even though we are teenagers we are capable of doing hard things. We are passionate about Gigi’s Playhouse and helping them achieve their goals.”
Dinah: “If we work together we can accomplish far more than on our own.”
Alan: “We are hoping that other people will step up to do hard things and that everyone can find their own way to support Gigi’s Playhouse.”
Josh: “We hope that by doing hard things that it will inspire others to step up and do hard things as well.”
Zoe: “We are not saying that it is a hard thing to be with people with differences, but it might be a hard thing to think that a 13 year old can make a difference.”
Joseph: “We are doing what we can to live #GenerationG. We strive to be accepting of differences, generous with time and money and kind to everyone.”
These students are definitely living #Generation G:
- Generation G is heroic and challenges the status quo by stepping outside of comfort zones.
- Generation G always stands up for others, and never sees differences as weaknesses.
- People committed to Generation G will assuredly help individuals with Down syndrome and their families.
- And Generation G may help a child, teenager or young adult who does not fully understand a diagnosis such as Down syndrome, and takes for granted their own health and acceptance by others. Generation G can teach them a better way.
There are SO many ways to BE Generation G. Stay tuned for more stories of how we are spreading the Generation G attitude in OUR community through GiGi’s Playhouse of Fort Myers. If you’re ready to start YOUR Generation G adventure, contact us!
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This brought me to tears. It’s absolutely beautiful, and I’m so impressed by their maturity and understanding! Thank you for being and representing Generation G!
This is the world I want to live and raise my children in! These students get the big picture and are spreading Generation G with love and passion. They are leading by example and see value in all people! Glad I have had the opportunity to meet these beautiful souls! Thanks Mrs. Squish and students you rock! #GenerstionG
It’s just amazing to read these selfless words and thoughts! So inspirational! Thank you for being and representing Generation G! You rock
This is awesome and inspiring! Thank you to Mrs. Squish and all the students for your help! Way to be Generation G!! We look forward to seeing you at more Playhouse events.
Amazing!!!! Thank you Mrs Squish and your students for everything you do!!