Best of All: Erin

GiGi’s tutoring program has helped Erin in many ways – When she first started the literacy tutoring program, she could only read a few words and showed little to no interest in learning how to read.  Pam Garrett, who is Erin’s tutor and GiGi’s Programs Coordinator, has had a great impact on Erin’s enthusiasm to not only to read, but to enjoy reading by showing excitement and curiosity.  She is now anxious to turn to the next page to find out what happens next in the story.

The COVID virus did not stop GiGi’s and their volunteers from continuing to tutor our special children.  They setup times and dates to virtually continue their mission to teach our children.

I am so thankful for GiGi’s Playhouse and their love and dedication to helping our special children reach their true potential.

Diane T. (Erin’s Grandmother)

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