Therapeutic Play Center Update

We will be seeing lots of changes at GiGi’s Playhouse Des Moines this summer.  We are happy to announce that the new Therapeutic Play Center is coming to OUR Playhouse in early July! Gretchen Baldwin had a ‘grand idea’ of bringing a Therapeutic Play Center  to the Playhouse back in the Fall of 2011, after much research from her, talking with Specialists in Speech, Physical Therapy, and Physicians she talked with our Board of Directors who made the decision to tackle this project. We were graciously given our largest donation of over $10,250 from 100+ Men on a Mission which started our fundraising campaign.  We have applied for grants in our area to help offset costs of this $40,000 project and are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be awarded these funds. We will be hosting a Grand Opening of the Therapeutic Play Center in late June/early July, keep your eye on our Blog for more information!
If you would like to donate to the Therapeutic Play Center we have levels of Donation available:
$500-$3,500 you will receive your name on our Donor Wall
$3,501-$7,000 you will receive your name on our Logo Donor Wall
$7,001-$10,000 you will receive your name in the Mural of the Therapeutic Play Center
$10,001 and Up you will receive your name on a sign within the Therapeutic Play Center
You can mail your donation to us at 10430 New York Ave Suite A in Urbandale, IA 50322 or go online to make a donation at:!

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