GiGi’s 5k & Buddy Walk

Team “Follow that Sam”


Sam’s team is “Follow that Sam” because he is go, go, go all the time! He keeps us on our toes as our personal exercise program. Thanks to Sam’s friendly nature we have met many new friends and will continue to meet more. Down Syndrome has not slowed him down and we want to provide opportunities for him go at his own speed. That’s where GiGi’s comes in. Sam is working on literacy skills through GiGi’s Playhouse.  These classes help to support the services he gets at school and privately. Our goal is to let Sam be Sam and develop as close to his peers development as possible. GiGi’s helps us to develop a personalized program for Sam so that we can work on reading, writing, math, behaviors, toilet training, and social skills. We aren’t raising Sam alone. We have support from the family activities and the professional speakers at GiGi’s. We learn about therapeutic, leisure, and educational activities that will help Sam. GiGi’s offers us a chance to talk to people who have “been there”.
Please help us support GiGi’s Playhouse by contributing to this great cause! Your gift will help Sam and other’s with Down Syndrome to participate in programs designed to help them build skills needed for life. It also allows families to support each other through family activities and professional speakers who offer therapeutic and educational programs. All programs are free to families. We hope to see you at the walk but if you can’t make it you can make a charitable donation. Learn More about how to Register a Team, Register as an Individual or Support a Racer

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