Carsten’s Super Buddy

Meet Carsten. Who knew that eight years ago one little person could make such a difference in a family and community’s life. And even though the blue eyes, requests for cookies, or Scooby Doo might grab your attention – if you take the time to get to know Carsten you’ll understand just a little of how that happened.

Carsten and BrookCarsten’s my superhero. He lives for the moment. He touches everyone he meets whether that’s by a warm greeting, giving them a high five or this Aunt’s favorite – big ole’ snuggles. The Christofferson/Carstens family has walked in every Buddy Walk since he joined our family. We support Gigi’s Playhouse and what it does for the Des Moines community. Awareness, advocacy, and education all are so important in helping people with Down syndrome achieve their highest potential. Gigi’s is just one way to help people like Carsten achieve all they can in being contributing members of their communities. And I can’t wait to see what my little Super hero can do!

So as we prepare for the 2014, Buddy Walk, we walk for Carsten, we walk for the hope that all people will be accepted for the abilities they possess not the disabilities they may have, we walk for the smiles and laughter and good things that people with Down syndrome bring to our communities, but most importantly we walk for love. The love we have for Carsten, Gigi’s, and acceptance for all.

Last year was an even more special walk for our family – not only did we walk for Carsten – we walked in memory for Carsten’s Great Grandpa Ras. Just as Carsten sees the sun in every person and takes on every challenge with a vigor – Grandpa Ras modeled that for our family too. It was so special for us to be able to celebrate two Super Buddies who are pillars in our family while helping raise money for GiGi’s Playhouse – a cause Grandpa Ras loved to hear about and one Carsten gets to experience because of activities like the Buddy Walk.

So join our family in this year’s Buddy Walk. Find your reason to walk, a love that brings sunshine to your life, or drive to grow acceptance for all. And along the walk – look out for Carsten – he’ll be the one saying hello to everyone, waving his hand, and smiling from ear to ear!

Brooke, Carsten’s Aunt

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  1. Hana on June 13, 2014 at 10:40 am

    What a lovely and moving letter! Thank you for sharing your family’s story with us all Brooke.

  2. Megan on June 14, 2014 at 9:25 am

    Thank you Brooke for being such an amazing and supportive aunt! We all love you!

  3. Gaye on June 14, 2014 at 3:00 pm

    Your sweet letter brought tears to my eyes, Brooke! ❤️

  4. Julie on August 20, 2014 at 10:42 am

    Happy to be a part of Carsten’s and Bo’s team!

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