Best of All: Tyler


Tyler has been committed to attending GiGiFIT, and previously Friends, Fun, & Fitness, for the past 3 years. Tyler also comes to the Friday OT program with Stark State with his TWI group every spring and fall.

Our GiGiFIT program leader, Riley, shared she was extremely proud of the progress Tyler has made.

“Through the Fall 2022 session of GiGiFIT, Tyler has made a wonderful amount of progress. When we started he was able to keep up with the class but needed different variations of every exercise, such as wall pushups vs pushups on his knees or an abdominal liftoff. As the weeks went on, Tyler started to progress and caught up with the rest of the class.

When we first started ladder drills to build our balance and coordination, he had to do it slower and had to walk some of the time. However, by the end of the session, he was almost running to the end of the ladder and you could see how proud he was to have made so much progress. Tyler not only had a Best of All moment, he had a Best of All session!”

Other parents have also commented that in the beginning, it was a bit more challenging to get Tyler’s stamina up and get him to engage in the program, but now he seems to really enjoy himself and always has a positive attitude! Wonderful job, Tyler!!

Our FREE GiGiFIT programs combine activities with a strong fitness focus and an ultimate goal of success and improved movement designed by a physical therapist. GiGiFIT was created in collaboration with skilled Physical Therapists who work specifically with individuals with Down syndrome. The GiGiFIT programs are designed to address common issues for individuals with Down syndrome including hypotonia, excessive joint laxity, and decreased balance. Every GiGiFIT program is safe, effective, and progressive. GiGiFIT helps participants build strength, endurance, power, joint stability, balance, and movement control. GiGiFIT empowers participants to be more independent and confident in their abilities while improving their overall health and wellness 

Enrollment applications for the spring 2023 session of GiGiFIT for teens and adults are open from December 12th through the end of 2022.The spring 2023 session of GiGiFIT will be from the week of January 23rd through April 10th on Mondays at 6PM. Register here:

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