‘Tis The Season For Giving
Please consider supporting us on Giving Tuesday (November 30th), which is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Giving Tuesday is ‘a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.”
We are continually grateful to all our volunteers, donors, and supporters for making a positive and transformational impact on our community. Your support this year will enable us to continue to provide free and purposeful programming to our network of families.
This year we would like to highlight some amazing ‘Best of All’ stories and the impact our programs have had on our community.
Laura is a 25-year-old adult who had participated in our literacy program before the Pandemic. This Summer she returned to the Playhouse. Previously, Laura took time to develop relationships and maintain eye contact. During her first session back at the Playhouse, we all noticed a huge change in Laura. She appeared happy to be back at the Playhouse, she was maintaining eye contact, communicating, and above all willing to start learning. During the Summer, we were able to celebrate many Best of all moments such as: jumping 25 times on the trampoline, writing her name, doing wonderful phonics work, and she is loving writing lists! Her family is very excited about her progress!
Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $50 donation that supports one student through a semester of 1-1 tutoring.

Viola cooking up a storm in her kitchen!
Viola is a consistent adult participant in our GiGi’s Kitchen program. During the Pandemic, the participants have been allowed to cook more elaborate recipes in their kitchens.
Viola’s mom commented that “GiGi’s kitchen has kindled Viola’s desire to cook and bake. It made her a little bit more receptive to trying new foods, which was a struggle before. She enjoys shopping for the ingredients, the hands-on nature of preparing the foods, and using cooking utensils under the supervision and sometimes independently. She beams with pride and joy in serving the family her creation for dessert or dinner, as the case may be.”
Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $500 donation will enable us to fully stock our kitchen for a return to in-person programming.
We welcomed Ian to our Playhouse this Fall. His family reached out to discover which programs would be best to encourage Ian to develop his socialization skills and to develop relationships with his peers. Ian joined GiGiFIT just before our Annual Gala – Ian is a very active young man and likes to row, exercise, play sports, and practice his push-ups. He was very proud to demonstrate his push-ups to the rest of the class. Kelly, our wonderful program leader, ended the program by saying she hoped to see everyone at the Gala the next day.
Ian enjoyed the program very much, afterward, he asked his family if he could attend the Gala. We were overjoyed to meet Ian and his dad at the Gala, we especially enjoyed his push-up demonstration in the middle of the dance floor. Way to go Ian!
Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $100 donation that provides support for a participant in our GiGiFIT program for a semester.
Francesca, who is 15 years old, and her mom live 68 miles from the nearest GiGi’s Playhouse and were excited to find us on Facebook. Because of circumstances, Francesca had limited exposure to social activities and has been home-schooled. Covid and needing to quarantine only made the situation more challenging. This summer we introduced a new hybrid program called Dance: Musical Theater and thought it would be a great program for Francesca to try. Mom was excited, and a bit nervous. But, after only 2 sessions with Carter, our amazing and creative program leader, Francesca was dancing and singing and loving it. Mom was thrilled too. Fast forward to today; Francesca looks forward to and participates in many of our programs virtually such as Yoga, GiGi’s Kitchen, and her favorite, ballet. You are a star, Francesca!!!
Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $21 donation will provide support and materials for our participants of Dance, Art, Gratitude Committee, Destination Discovery and more!
Molly participates in our 1-1 tutoring programs and many of our group programs. This Fall, she has started to return to the Playhouse for her Literacy tutoring. Molly also attends virtual math tutoring, which is developing her real-world math skills. This semester she has chosen to concentrate on using money in real-life situations. Her tutor encouraged Molly to choose items to buy and take with her for a pretend trip to a Taylor Swift concert (Molly’s favorite artist), she then had to work out the total, how she would pay for them and what change she would receive. This allowed Molly to think about how much she had and to make the best use of the money – Molly, you were a star!Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $100 donation provides a math kit for two students, to allow them to practice their math skills at the Playhouse and home.
We welcomed Tanvi to our volunteer team this year. Immediately, we knew that she had found her place, she demonstrated a unique dedication to our organization. She started volunteering for our Teen Tastic program, the only thing is that it is scheduled at midnight in her time zone. Tanvi volunteers from Dubai and the time difference does not stop her from joining us.
Tanvi joining Teen Tastic has created a unique opportunity for her and the participants. Tanvi shares what life is like on the other side of the world, how cultures are different, the participants enjoyed learning about weddings and how they lasted for days and thousands of people would attend. Likewise, the teen participants have enjoyed teaching Tanvi about Hershey Park, Broadway shows, and last week they taught her how to play Trivial Pursuit. Tanvi, you have had a positive impact on our program and our community. Thank you for being Generation G.
Please consider donating this Giving Tuesday, a $500 donation that will provide volunteer appreciation gifts for all our dedicated, motivated, and generous volunteers.
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