February Volunteer Spotlight

Our math tutors have been fantastic during our Winter Session of Tutoring! Math 1-1 Tutoring is a new program to GiGi’s Playhouse Westchester and is proving to be very successful! We have 5 tutors and between them they tutor 10 students. 

As a team they have set up an email group and constantly throw out questions, ideas, resources, what worked well and what didn’t work so well. Our math team consists of Eden (math coordinator), Kelly, Hamsa, Stephanie and Andie and they are all thoroughly enjoy the activities and resources.  

Andie told me after the first session – “I am finding the sessions to be flying. Today we spent most of our time using Numicons and counting bears. Was really fun.” 

Kelly has a student who is in her 20s and really didn’t want to participate in the program, she kept saying “I don’t do math”. After the first session I asked Kelly how it went. Kelly responded “fantastic, she didn’t even realize she was doing math and she wants to come back next week” 

Our tutors are really demonstrating their Best of All – using their love of math to inspire, educate and believe in our students! 

Interested in Volunteering or becoming a Tutor? Check out our website:https://gigisplayhouse.org/westchester/volunteer/

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