
Summer Fun…Therapy in Disguise!

For any therapy to be affective you don’t have to go to a medical provider or do boring exercises!  Like many GiGi’s programs, therapy can be fun, creative, and purposeful!  Check out these 2 colorful options put together by our very own PT, Leslie, that you can do outside on...

Welcome Michael Kuklinski, MD to Wausau’s Board of Managers!

Tell us a little about yourself (family, employment, how you spend your free time, etc.). I was born and raised in the Fox Valley and am “annoyingly proud” of being a Wisconsinite (or so say all my friends who are not from Wisconsin). Growing up, my two loves where sports...
Nathan family

Our Journey with GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau

Three years later… Last month we celebrated my son’s 4th birthday and World Down Syndrome Day. Nathan is still an extraordinary little boy who loves to laugh and smile. So, what has changed since I wrote my first blog post for GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau three years ago? So much! Now...
Nicole S

Meet our NEW GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau Board President!

How and when did you first get involved with GiGi’s Playhouse? I first became involved with GiGi’s Playhouse in March of 2021. In early 2021, I heard GiGi’s Playhouse being advertised on the radio, and I was intrigued by the organization as I had not heard of it before, so...

Programming, Friends, and the Community!

As many of us wind down from World Down Syndrome Day celebrations we encourage you to continue celebrating your loved one with Down syndrome and spreading community awareness each and every day!  Our Fantastic Friends group continued their celebration and awareness this last Sunday during programming. We have an amazing...

Because of YOU…

As we come upon 3-21, one of most significant days in the GiGi’s community and in the lives of those we serve, we cannot help but be grateful to all our supporters. Whether it be monetary, in-kind, or volunteering your time and talents at the Playhouse, it is all important...

Big Changes at GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau!

Please join us in congratulating Erica Erdman in her new role at GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau as our Playhouse Manager, starting February 28!   Erica has been an active member of our Wausau team for over five years as a key volunteer, from organizing the start-up committee to leading the Board.  She...

February is all things HEARTS!

February is American Heart Month which reminds us to take care of our hearts and consider potential risk factors. The week of February 7th through the 14th is  recognized specifically as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week!  For many of our families this is a special and often hard reminder of...

Adam & Brianna, A Story of Love!

  Our world is full of misconceptions, especially when it comes to individuals with Down syndrome. GiGi's Playhouse mission is to change the way an individual with Down syndrome is perceived through education, awareness, and the Generation G campaign. One of the many misconceptions is that adults with Down syndrome...

GiGi’s Playhouse & The Significance of Be Kind to Humankind Week!

In late August of 2021, GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau Youth Board participated in the global celebration of Be Kind to Humankind Week (BK2HK). The founder, Lorraine Jara, found inspiration to create this week-long holiday after a tragic incident in her hometown. There had been a boating accident, and two young men...

Let’s Meet Missy, GiGi’s Self-Advocate!

Let's learn a little about Missy, our Self-Advocate and Board Member! What is your favorite thing about the GiGi’s community?                                                             ...

Why GiGi’s Playhouse…Meet Desta!

Volunteers are vital to the operation and success of a Playhouse!  We are so grateful for their dedication to participants and want to share a little about Desta! I have been a life long educator and have continued to look for ways to help others in my community after I...