Heather’s Hawaii 5-0 Team

Shari, Heather’s mom, shares their “why” for participating in The GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge (GFAC) 2023 – Virtual Movement.

“We love the GFAC – Virtual Movement!  It is an amazing opportunity to raise awareness, feel the love and support of our family and friends AND get moving.   There are so many ways to participate, but we like to gather with our family and friends from all over the midwest and walk next to Lake Pepin in Lake City, MN, walk around Volkening Lake in Schaumburg, IL, walk along the Mississippi in Guttenburg, IA, and walk the trails in Cedar Falls, IA! This year we hope to add a hike in Pike’s Peak!  

People we meet on our walks often stop us and ask what we are walking for and we get to share how awesome Down syndrome is and how GiGi’s Playhouse inspires, educates and believes!!

I would encourage everyone to join the GFAC – Virtual Movement this year to help us promote awareness, feel the love and support and support the GiGi’s mission to change the way the world views Down syndrome and send a global message of acceptance for all!  You can make your virtual movement your own and we can all share our experience together virtually!”

Make your team today on our GiGiFIT event website.

The purposeful programs at GiGi’s Playhouse have been an integral part of Heather’s life for the past 20 years.  She learns so many skills in literacy tutoring, math tutoring, GiGiFIT, and GiGi’s Kitchen.  You can often find her in the kitchen cooking for me.  The CONFIDENCE and INDEPENDENCE she gains in her experiences with GiGi’s Playhouse is life-changing!  

Glynis 3

Introducing Enrollment Program Leaders

We are so thrilled that the Fall Session is starting off soon for all our enrollment programs! We are thrilled to be offering GiGiFIT Kids, GiGi’s Kitchen Kids, and GiGi’s Kitchen Adult this Fall! These 15-week enrollment programs are a big commitment for our families as well as our volunteers and we know that many…


Our Program and Volunteer Coordinators

We are pleased to announce that we have two experienced Program and Volunteer Coordinators who will be serving our Virtual Playhouse community this fall. Claire We welcome Claire back to our team after family leave! Clare grew up in Minnesota where she earned her degree in Early Childhood Development with a minor in Psychology. Claire’s…


Relationship Building for a Global Community 

Providing us with a sense of belonging, support, and shared purpose, communities are sources of friendship, identity, and mutual aid. The Virtual Playhouse was formed with a goal of providing opportunities and a virtual platform for people to come together, regardless of geographic boundaries, to exchange ideas, seek advice, and foster meaningful relationships. Virtual Community Groups and…

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