GiGi’s Playhouse 5k – Team Kindon
If you have been a part of our amazing Literacy program or joined us for the fantastic LMNOP program then you are no stranger to our next Team Captain. We love Mrs. Lori!
1. Which team are you representing and what is your relationship to the team?
I represent Team Kindon and am the team captain. Right now the team consists of myself, my husband, Jim and our sons. Adam is 21 and Jacob is 16.
2. Is this or your team’s first time in the GiGi’s Playhouse 5K? What made you want to join?
This is our first time participating in the 5K. I started tutoring at GiGi’s last summer and now I also run the LMNOP program for toddlers. I grew up with a beautiful young lady named Katie that had Downs Syndrome. Unfortunately, Katie passed away at the too-young age of 23 (about 14 years ago). Katie and her family, and their dedication to independence and inclusion, was a huge inspiration to me for my whole life and I love working with people of all abilities! We are walking/running in memory of Katie Macco. (and I want to meet Julie Tennant!!! LOL)
3. Why is the GiGi’s Playhouse 5K important to you and your loved one,or what does it represent for you?
It’s awesome to be able to spend time as a family, all together!! These times are few and far between when your children start to grow up and “flee the nest”. What better way to spend the day together than to support GiGi’s Playhouse?? My family knows that GiGi’s holds a special place in my heart!
4. Why do you think that GiGi’s Playhouse is important to the Syracuse community?
There are so many reasons, but mostly because GiGi’s provides such awesome programs for ALL ages. Katie would have LOVED GiGi’s!! She was a social butterfly!
5. What’s your teams fundraising goal and how are you achieving it?
We’d love to raise $500. We are sending out emails and FB posts to friends and family!
6. Is your team planning anything unique to show your team spirit?
HMMMMMM…….I hadn’t thought about that, but maybe!!! (My boys will KILL me!!)
7. Is there anything else you want people to know about the playhouse or about Down syndrome awareness?
Just come check us out………you won’t be sorry!
Thank you so much Lori for all you do to make this community a great one. We know Katie is very proud of you.
To join or support Team Kindon click HERE
To start your own Team click HERE