Bigger,Better,Stronger….Together | 2016 GiGi’s Playhouse Conference

On November 3rd your GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse team got on a plane and headed to Chicago “Go Cubs Go” to join with 39 other Playhouse teams to learn how we can all continue growing, learning and achieving.  Always with our eyes on the future, we went ready to gain as much knowledge and inspiration as we possible could, we bring this back to you and your family & friends. GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse will never stop moving forward! #bestofall everyday.

GiGi's Playhouse


Here is what your Syracuse team had to say.

“I just spent an incredible three days with our Syracuse team surrounded by the amazing leadership of GiGi’s Playhouse, Inc. in Chicago and teams of people from 39 different Playhouses across the country.
I learned so much from all the workshops and conversations I had, but I’ll just tell you that the most memorable moment for me was meeting a young family who attended the conference. A family just like those that are part of our Playhouse in Syracuse. They had with them their absolutely beautiful 10 month old daughter who has Down syndrome. Of course, the smiling baby in the stroller was the center of attention wherever she went, but it was the look on the parent’s faces that was unforgettable. A look of absolute pride and joy while surrounded by practically the entire GiGi’s Playhouse network.
That is what we do.  #generationG
The conference was a celebration of what we’ve achieved together nationally. How we have created so many pivotal moments of acceptance and understanding. How we are truly enabling people with Down syndrome to achieve so much more. There is no other opportunity I know of where you can meet so many different people with Down syndrome who are so strong and confident. They can break any preconceived notion in seconds without any help. They want to show and tell you about all they are doing. It was great!
It was also a reminder that we can never stand still. There was a very serious underlying feeling that there is much more work to be done and an incredible responsibility to be the experts. There is still bullying and exclusion in our schools. Hospitals that don’t give much information to new parents. Businesses that won’t or don’t know how to give someone a chance.
The Syracuse team left the conference exhausted, but with a renewed sense of just how important our work is. We are part of a national movement based upon the work of generations of courageous and determined advocates. We’re fighting for that little girl in the stroller and really for people of all abilities throughout our communities. It’s so great to be a part of it!” ~ Matt Dwyer, Syracuse Board President

“For me Conference is one of the most grounding weekends of the year. To be able to gather with men and woman who “get it” and still show up every day to do the work, just blows me away.  At GiGi’s Playhouse we have no shortage of inspiration and happy feels, but there are hard days. Knowing we are not alone in this mission is a life line on those tricky days.  Fellow GiGi’s staff and powerful volunteers are just a Facebook message, text, call or email away.  This weekend we got to wrap our arms around each other and fill that inspiration tank again.  I am still smiling. On top of that, the teachings and vision provided this weekend has me so excited to be bigger and better in 2017! Go team Go!”  ~ Heather Rodriguez, Syracuse Board VP, Programs Coordinator & National Engagement Specialist

“My take away from conference this year was about personal attitude.

I can sit here and complain, I can criticize the work of others, I can choose to seek out the negative and let it drag me down. I can have that 20/20 hindsight and lament over past decisions. I can blame others for failure, and hell, I can even seek reassurance and support and explain to others how my attitude is justified -all without any pushback.

Or I could do. I could take action. I could trail blaze. I could give. I could rise above challenges. I could dream. I could be understanding. I could be humble. I could visualize. I could succeed. I could believe.

I have a choice in my path, and I was reminded this past weekend that this is a privilege not a right. Since I happen to have this gift of choice, since I am able to be heard, I am going to choose wisely and not conveniently. From this point forward I am refusing to let others make that decision for me, including by influence.

Success will come to those who do whatever they have to do, whether they feel like it or not.

And to me, success will be when every human being has equality, and we are all working together. Though I am aware this is not possible to achieve on my own, I will tailor my personal attitude to hopefully inspire others, or at the very least get them talking and thinking. I will let my sweat, tears, and passion drown out anything that wants to take me down the easy path, and I will advocate for the human race, and, especially for that magical extra chromosome.” ~ Christina Cacciola, Syracuse Site Director

“Conference, how do I sum up all that is taken away from a GiGi’s Playhouse conference. It is all that one would expect from a conference and more. It is not just learning about new programs that will benefit all of our participants, it is about the National movement towards making lives better. Not just children and adults with Down syndrome but kids of all abilities. It is inspiring to see that there are so many people, all around this country that work hard every day to make our entire GiGi’s Playhouse Network stronger, to make that lives of our children better. And as the tag line of the conference reads – Bigger. Better. Stronger together. We truly are! I am grateful to have been a part of this conference and of the GiGi’s Playhouse network!” ~ Janet LaSalle, Syracuse Board Member, Former President, Founding Board.

“It was such an honor to attend the GiGi’s Playhouse 2016 National Conference. I thought arriving to a city that just won the World Series was going to be energizing enough. Boy was I wrong! Every Playhouse and individual I met was there for the same reason…to better serve our participants and to reignite a movement of acceptance for individuals with Down syndrome. Speaking with like minded people about our dreams and goals was a huge motivator to evoke some change at our Playhouse. The Self Advocates brought another element to the conference. Despite all the things I have learned this past year from all of our GiGi’s Syracuse families and the individuals we service, these amazing folks added a whole other perspective to adulting with Down syndrome, and it sure is amazing! My life pales in comparison to what they are doing to better this crazy world we live in. They wake up everyday ready to take on the neigh sayers and educate them on who they are as an individual and not a diagnosis.

“The energy was electric from start to finish and I am so incredibly thankful I was asked to join in on this trip. I promise all of our families that myself, and the others in attendance, will not stop advocating for you or your loved ones. So much was taken away from last weekend and I am so pumped to breathe some life into our programming!” ~ Veronica Farrell, Syracuse Literacy Coordinator & all around amazing volunteer!

“I have to say, Veronica summarized our weekend perfectly with the words grateful, humbled, excited, and inspired. I spent the weekend renewing my belief in what it means to be apart of #GenerationG. We face the challenge of creating a world that is accepting of all. We need to raise our voices and educate others on what it means to #generationG #beaccepting #begenerous #bekind

I’m also still running on a high from the Cubs winning the World Series Championship #gocubsgo #FlyingTheW” ~ Emily Schwytzer, Syracuse Board Member


GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse


You can learn more about what happened at the 2016 Bigger Better Stronger Conference HERE


We are excited to work with YOU to make 2017 our best year yet! We are Generation G!


GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse


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