2015 National GiGi’s Playhouse Conference!
Last week five members from your GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse team traveled to Chicago to join up with the 25 other existing Playhouses and the 10 that are preparing to open their doors in 2016! We are growing! We are Strong! Our voices are one and we are being heard. BUT,...

What’s the deal with labels?
Label - a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc. It seems the human race loves labels, unfortunately there are just to many ugly labels out there still. This needs to change. So we have come up with a few handy alternative labels in case you...

Dear Me. Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2015
One of the many missions of GiGi's Playhouse is to change the perception of Down syndrome in our communities. Most families you speak to who have a child with Down syndrome will tell you how their lives are better because of this person. How they have learned things they...

When the big dreams become reality.
We are pretty lucky in this community to have some wonderful people who know how to put there hearts out in writing. Today we get to hear from someone who is so easy to love. One of the Syracuse Playhouse's first cheerleaders when it was still just a "hey do...

Back to school, the good surprises.
Here we are friends, time to send our loved ones back to school. It may be the very first year, or maybe your little one is moving up and into a new school. Or maybe you are preparing to send your awesome kid to collage. Every first day is filled...

GiGi’s Playhouse 5k & Dash for Down Syndrome – Team Ellie!
Have you met Ellie yet? She is fantastic! You can find her at Hop, Skip & Jumpers, at Open Play and really anytime we have fun events going on. Ellie and her family have been amazing participants and supporters all along! Heather (aka Ellie's mom) is going to tell us...

GiGi’s Playhouse 5K & Dash fro Down Syndrome – Team Nadia
We are only FOUR Days from our 4th annual GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse 5k & Dash for Down Syndrome! The excitement is palpable and out teams are doing an amazing job of gaining support! Thank you to everyone who has joined and supported! Today we get to hear from Kasia,...

GiGi’s Playhouse 5K – Team Ella Grace
"and though she be little, she is fierce" We have all heard this quote, When we hear it sweet and spunky Ella Grace jumps in our mind quick! This little lady is a warrior, so do not let that pretty tutu fool you, she just makes warrior look pretty....

GiGi’s Playhouse 5k – Team Alaina
If you were at the 2014 GiGi's Playhouse 5k then chances are you remember a beautiful mother running with her daughters picture. Her daughter was not yet here, she was waiting to coming home, from Bulgaria. Most of us felt a deep pull in our hearts and we waited...

GiGi’s Playhouse 5k – Team Kindon
If you have been a part of our amazing Literacy program or joined us for the fantastic LMNOP program then you are no stranger to our next Team Captain. We love Mrs. Lori! 1. Which team are you representing and what is your relationship to the team? I represent Team...