Down syndrome is not wonderful…..wait are we allowed to say that? | Down syndrome Achievement Center, Syracuse NY
We read a quote this week on Instagram that stuck. We are a place where celebration is east to come by. Little ones taking first steps, young adults getting first jobs, or going on collage interviews etc. We LOVE to celebrate your hard work, determination and success! With that said...

Taking in the Moment | Guest Blogger Patti Rice
We have a special treat today! Have you had the privilege to "met" Patti Rice? I am sure most of you have just shaken their heads yes with a smile on your face, but in case you have not let me introduce you! Friends Patti is a mom to 11...

Art Explosion | GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse
We are thrilled to have another session of Art Explosion starting up TONIGHT September 24th at 6pm. The artists who joined us over the summer had a fabulous creative time and we are excited to see this program grow! We are so lucky to have a wonderful kind hearted...

Super Sibs | GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse
We are so happy to have Michael Knittel bringing together our amazing siblings each month. This time is all about them! Super Sibs – third saturday of each month 1-2pm Recommended for siblings age 6-13 this program is a special time for siblings of individuals with Down syndrome to talk about...

What’s new this fall…..so far
New Volunteer Leadership Welcome Kaitlyn Wafful, our new Literacy Program Co-Coordinator! Kaitlyn has been working with our current Literacy Program Coordinator, Mary Carroll, as a tutor and assistant for over a year. With Mary returning to teaching and working on her Master’s, she was delighted to have Kaitlyn set-up as...

Meet Angela | Site Director GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse {Down syndrome Achievement Center}
We are so excited to introduce our New Site Director Angela Tucciarone to everyone! We are very excited to welcome her to the Playhouse family, please help us do just that! Dear Friends of GiGi’s Playhouse It is an honor to have been selected as the new Site Director for...

Uncle Mikey | Down Syndrome Achievement
Nothing makes us happier than to hear YOUR stories. Your life experiences. We truly believe this is one way we become "Stronger Together" A big thank you to our guest poster Karen McClenthan for sharing her beautiful words and experiences with us. My Uncle Mikey… I...

Get those dancing shoes ready…Prom time!!
Our Assistant site coordinator Kayla and a team of hard working volunteers are planning another amazing Prom for the Club GiGi Crew! We had so much fun raising the roof last year we know this year will be another awesome party! Grab your friends and get to the dance floor!...

Dear old me…….a look back to diagnosis day
Diagnosis day comes in different ways but the shock, fear and mourning are a common thread. These emotions and feelings are 100% normal and do not make anyone a "bad parent" BUT as you moms, dads, sisters, brothers and friends share your stories, as you live your beautiful (sometimes messy?)...

Always moving forward
Change. it can be so exciting, a little challenging but is always necessary. We are excited to have a big change in the Playhouse Board of Managers. Our amazing founding president Ally has stepped down after serving this community with a mighty passion. Spearheading and blazing a trail with other...

You gave us a voice, 2014 ‘i have a voice’ Gala
On March 1st we gathered together with our friends and the community to celebrate all we have accomplished and all we know we can accomplish. You came, you brought your belief and you let us know with your generous financial support that those we love and cheer on are so...