The Antidote
We weren't going to go to the Gala this year. I wasn't speaking in front of the hundreds of people supporting GiGi's. Judah's picture wasn't there welcoming guests. I wasn't on the volunteer committee. I had no hand in the preparation pot what-so-ever and so this year we were going...

June Program Blog
Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community. Volunteer Orientation | 6-7pm June 6 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you interested in learning more about volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse? Please join us for an hour of information. You will learn...

May Program Buzz
Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community. LMNOP (0-3 years) May 11 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am Language, Music N’ Our Peeps guides parents and infants/toddlers through learning basic sign language and through incorporating music and dance therapy into daily activities,...

April Program Buzz!
Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community. Volunteer Orientation April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Are you interested in learning more about volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse? Please join us for an hour of information. You will learn a...

#theluckyfew | GiGi’s Playhouse ‘i have a Voice” Gala
Today we welcome one of our favorite bloggers and moms Beth to share why everyone should join us on April 7, 2018, for the 'i have a Voice' annual gala! Favored, blessed, fortunate, charmed and prosperous.... all synonyms for lucky, all synonyms for how I feel about a life with...

Literacy, a gift for everyone.
2017 Winter Literacy Tutoring is Open for Registration! Students & tutors can visit our Literacy page today to register for tutoring. GiGi's Playhouse One on One Literacy tutoring is for individuals with Down syndrome of any age and any skill level. Trained tutors work at the level of the individual, continually...

Sara & Jill go to Conference & wow did it have some impact!
The 2017 Bigger Better Stronger Together International Conference is over! WOWZA! It was a jam packed 5 days, we got inspired, we got trained and we meet our peers from aroudn the country and in Mexico who work so hard in their communites to change the way the world sees...

Back to School | The importance of talking about Special Needs
Tis the season! New backpacks, lunch pals, cute outfits & shoes! The kiddos are heading back (or already have) to school! Most parents are filled with all the feelings. Pride & nerves swirling together. I wanted to pop in and share with you all today a little snippet of my...

Why I Run, Walk & Dash | Team Mikey
We are 5 Days away from the 2017 GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse 5k, 1 Mile Inspiration Walk & Kids Dash for Down Syndrome! We have our friend Amy Cavallaro on the #gigisblog today sharing why she is participating once again! What is your Team name? - Team Mikey Are you honoring...

Why I Run, Walk & Dash | Team You do You JuJu
On August 12th, we join with families and our community of supported to Run, Walk & Dash for Down syndrome. You still have time to join you favorite team, we want you & we need you! Please visit our 5K Page to learn all the great details! Today we...

Why I Run, Walk & Dash | Team GiGi’s Avengers
Why do we run, walk and dash for Down syndrome? Because ACCEPTANCE MATTERS. Because EMPOWERMENT MATTERS. Because LOVE MATTERS. We can't wait to run, walk, dash and celebrate with you! This family friendly event will be rocking’ all day with new friends, returning families, and HUGE HEARTS! Don’t miss out!...

100 Days of Acceptance | 321 Days of Acceptance
Have you been following along of Facebook the past 100 Days? On World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st, 2017, GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers launched “321 Days of Acceptance”, a pioneering social media campaign introducing the world to somebody with Down syndrome every single day for 321 straight days. In...