April Program Buzz!
Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.
Volunteer Orientation
April 3 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Are you interested in learning more about volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse? Please join us for an hour of information. You will learn a bit about Down syndrome, the way GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse is supporting individuals with Down syndrome and how you can use your talents to help the mission of GiGi’s Playhouse!
Volunteer Needs include – Program Leaders, Program helpers, Administrative, Cleaners, Event & Group Volunteering Opportunities!
Please let us know you are coming by signing up HERE!
LMNOP (o-3yrs)
April 13 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Language, Music N’ Our Peeps guides parents and infants/toddlers through learning basic sign language and through incorporating music and dance therapy into daily activities, to stimulate the child. Recommended for children 6-36 months old.
Friends of all abilities are welcome! #inclusion
Please RSVP HERE so we can be properly prepared!
Gratitude Committee (20 & Up)
April 16 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join this core group of adult volunteers (ages 20+) to hand-craft thank you cards for our amazing donors, as well as assist the office with other playhouse projects. We provide the supplies, you provide the gratitude! RSVP HERE!
Fantastic Friends (17 & up)
April 18 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Join us each month as we do something new and fun! We want to hear what you would like to do! So bring your ideas and we will help you host a Fantastic Friends night.
During this program, we aim to promote positive peer relationships, encourage relationships in the community, and develop our social skills!! Invite your friends, everyone is welcome and inclusion is celebrated! Please RSVP so we know who will be joining us!
Friends, Fun & Fitness (12 & Up)
April 23 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join us for a fun & exciting time! This one-hour workout session focuses on building muscle tone and endurance, and is open to individuals with Down syndrome & their friends of all abilities (12 & up)! Each week we will encourage each other to give our #bestofall. Please RSVP so we know you are joining us!
Gluten-Free Cooking (12 & Up)
April 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Get cooking with your friends at GiGi’s! This program is geared toward building safety awareness in the kitchen and preparing healthy, gluten-free recipes that taste great. During each program, we will make, and eat a gluten-free recipe.
RSVP is needed so we have enough supplies for everyone!
Kids Club/Playhouse Pals (5-12)
April 28 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Open Play (All Ages)
April 28 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
This program invites families and their friends to the Playhouse for playtime! Open Play helps promote positive beginnings for new families with a child with Down syndrome, creates awareness opportunities for peers and friends, as well as support and networking for current families. Come ready for fun and crazy good time!
Please RSVP so we know you are joining us!
New Program Launching! Art Explosion (13 & Up)
We have a fantastic Art Explosion Teacher ready to launch this fun program here at our Playhouse!
What can you expect? 1.5-2 hours long (snack break in the middle). The first part of each session would include a discussion of the artist and period we’re studying and how they produced their work. Some practical art instruction and then creating a masterpiece with different art mediums.
i have a Voice Gala
April 27 @ 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse will host its annual ‘i have a Voice’ Gala on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center in Syracuse, NY.
Our night will be emceed once again by Skip Clark of Wolf 92.1. We will hit the dance floor with the rocking tunes of The Mere Mortals, enjoy the beautiful photo booth experience thanks to Alter Image Photography and be inspired by parents, volunteers and our amazing children and adults. Festivities will include dinner, silent and live auctions, raffles and more!
For more information & to purchase your tickets, please visit our Gala page.