World Down Syndrome Day 2024!

Last week we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day! WDSD is a day dedicated to spreading acceptance and embracing the beauty of diversity. We are thankful for our friends and loved ones who were born with an extra 21st chromosome. For those who are blessed to be a part of the ‘Lucky Few’, we know that those with Down syndrome have shifted our mindset about what ‘normal’ should look like, or what the ‘right’ way to accomplish a goal is, and have crushed all the other societal norms that deserve to be broken! Diversity deserves to be CELEBRATED!

This year we celebrated WDSD in many ways! One of the ways we were able to celebrate those with Down syndrome was partnering with two local business’ who support the mission of GiGi’s Playhouse. 2 Dogz & a Guy Brewing, located in Great Bend PA, donated 10% of their day-of earnings to the Playhouse to honor their grandson! And Woolx gave their customers 21% off their website along with donating 21% of their day- of earnings! We are extremely lucky to have local businesses who support our Playhouse!

At the Playhouse, we took the time to thank our ‘321 Believers’! 321 Believers are donors who donate $21 each month. We are grateful for those families and businesses who participate through being a 321 Believer; it gives our Playhouse certainty each month that we can continue to provide educational, therapeutic programming for FREE! Thank you to:

  • The Bonczek family
  • Stacey Webb
  • Jacqueline Speicher
  • The Dicamillo family
  • Todd & Abigail Bruce
  • The Rittenburg family
  • The Simek family
  • The Calleo amily
  • The Emmon’s family
  • The Savage family
  • Michael Kushner
  • Andrea & Michael Comfort
  • The Laubisch family
  • Michael & Mary Bruce
  • The Eaton family
  • Hague Brokerage

To end WDSD with a bang, the Playhouse hosted a celebration for all families and volunteers! We had a DJ, ice cream bar, GenerationG Pledge station, and made friendship bracelets! We loved seeing families with young children meet and interact with families who have adult participants. Coming together as a community on days like WDSD reminds us how powerful we can be when our voices are combined! Thank you to the over 70 playhouse participants and their families who came out to celebrate with us!

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