Caregiver Highlight!

We are so lucky to have amazing caregivers join us at the Playhouse with their individuals everyday. Many of our caregivers have expressed how much the Playhouse has impacted their day-to-day routine (for the good!). Here is a glimpse into one of our most frequent flyers caregivers and how they came to join the GiGi’s family!

Lisa & Jessica’s Journey to GiGi’s:

“Before COVID, Jessica and myself hosted weekly kickball games at the local YMCA, but because of COVID, we couldn’t continue with it and many of the people who used to come were not able to anyone. One day, another DSP told me she saw on Facebook that GiGi’s Playhouse was hosting a kickball game at Arnold Parked. I looked online and signed Jessica up to go, but we really didn’t know what to expect. Upon arriving to the event, Anna [the Programs Coordinator] and her son Camden were there with many other people. We were immediately welcomes. We had a great time and learned more about GiGi’s Playhouse. Jessica loves being out in the community and staying busy, so after hearing all about what GiGi’s offers and learning that it doesn’t cost anything, we signed up and have been going weekly ever since. We have been attending just shy of a year!

GiGi’s Playhouse has been a great resource to Jessica and myself, especially since COVID has shut down many activities in our area. They offer a wide variety of different classes, which is all on the monthly schedule (we love having a schedule). They keep Jessica busy while still learning, staying healthy, and having fun. Many things in our area cost money, that not everyone

can always afford. GiGi’s Playhouse gives us the opportunity without having to worry about the financial part of it.  

Jessica loves coming to GiGi’s.  If our schedule allowed it, she would come to every program offered. Jessica likes every program offered but Jessica stated she likes GiGiFit the most because she likes exercising and love Michelle [one of our instructors]. Every instructor/volunteer we have met has been so kind and helpful. We have made many wonderful friendships because of GiGi’s Playhouse.
As a parent of 3 and a DSP (caregiver) I highly recommend parents/DSPs to go check out GiGi’s Playhouse. We tell all of our friends about it and everyone who has came has loved the program. It will help you and the person you care for in so many ways. Katie is great,  she’s very welcoming and will give you a tour while explaining more in depth about what the playhouse offers.”

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  1. Denise Stoughton on May 19, 2022 at 10:52 am

    Awesome blog and picture. Lisa and Jessica make a fantastic team! We treasure them both!!

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