Why GiGi’s? | Brooke

My heart for this beautiful thing called Down syndrome was lit on fire far before I can remember. Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my aunt Lynette, who in my eyes ruled the entire world and was without a question the coolest, funniest and most loyal person on the planet. She gave me the permission and space to be entirely and unapologetically myself, never once making me question if I was accepted or loved. For Lynette, there were no prerequisites to receive her love — isn’t that how we should all live?! As I grew older, into elementary school and beyond, I began to understand that much of this world did not have the same experience I had; rather they met the differences they saw with rejection and cruelty. This revelation, of course broke my heart, but more so, it gave my heart something to beat for.

When I was 18, I sat in a freshman year sociology class and received an assignment to create a non-profit I believed the world needed. I chose to develop a place of belonging for kids with Down syndrome that would change the way the world perceived them— a magical world full of color and kindness where they could laugh, dance, learn, grow and just simply BE. Luckily, after doing some research on an organization to model mine after, I found that a place that embodied all of these things and SO MUCH MORE already existed!! This place, GiGi’s Playhouse, just so happened to be coming to Gainesville the following year and it would absolutely change my life forever.

I had the privilege of serving on the Junior Board under some of the most phenomenal parents and resilient leaders I have ever had the honor of knowing. GiGi’s Gainesville graced me with the most life-giving friendships and enabled me to experience the most genuine sense of belonging I never thought possible. After graduating and marrying my high school sweetheart, Justin and moving across the country, there was no way after experiencing the magic of GiGi’s I could ever accept living in a world without it.

My aunt Lynette taught me how to love. I learned that the kind of love that she loved withheld the power to heal and restore the broken parts of those who experienced it. So, who’s to say this love doesn’t hold the capability to heal the broken parts of our world? GiGi’s is freedom and acceptance, it’s tangible love and hope that gives you something to believe in and fight for. Sacramento will be forever changed by the presence of a GiGi’s Playhouse in our community.


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  1. Olivia Goad on August 23, 2019 at 5:55 am

    I am so grateful and thankful for Gigi’s coming to Sacramento!!!!!! Thank you! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  2. Rochelle Wilson on August 23, 2019 at 8:41 am

    Did Aunt Lynnette live with DS? What a great testimony, Brooke! 🙂 Sarah’s mom, Rochelle Wilson

  3. Kristie Sammons on August 26, 2019 at 1:04 pm

    This is such a beautiful story Brooke. thank you for sharing it with us.

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