A warm feeling when I walk through the doors of GiGi’s

When I think of GiGi’s Playhouse Raleigh an emotional reaction comes over me that is difficult to put into words.  A warm feeling spreads through me because I know when I walk through the doors of the Playhouse inclusion and love is always present. I will be accepted for me: not my looks, my age, my ethnic group, my disability or lack of disability, or my grandchild’s disability.  This feeling radiates throughout all of the people who are part of GiGi’s.  It is contagious and uplifting to just be in the presence of the children, parents, and volunteers at the playhouse.


GiGi’s has given me a place to express my love of teaching.  Even after retiring with 38.5 years in public education I still am drawn to helping children and adults learn to read.  The Playhouse has been a wonderful organization for me to express that desire and learn from other professionals.


For my family, GiGi’s has been a lifeline.  As the planning for opening a GiGi’s in Raleigh was developing in 2015-2016, so was our little grandson Kendall.  The Playhouse gave our family an outlet to focus our energies.  We knew this Playhouse in Raleigh would be a significant place for Kendall to play, meet other children like him and develop in many ways.  What we didn’t realize is how much it would pull  our family together.  Rachel, Kendall’s mom, has served on the GiGi’s Board since it’s beginning.  My husband Bob has put up the gutter shelves for our books and helped me with numerous jobs. I serve as the Literacy Coordinator.  My cousin is coordinating our gala this year and my daughter Laura is assisting her.  I list these folks only because it shows how this Playhouse has become so important to our family.  I know it has affected other families this way too.  That is so amazing.


Our extended family has embraced the Playhouse and made it our family because of the love we have received from all the folks at GiGi’s.  We are so proud of all of the efforts and love that flows through GiGi’s Playhouse Raleigh.  My heart is bursting with the love I have for my grandsons Kendall and Christopher and for all those at GiGi’s Playhouse Raleigh.


Rosemary Campbell

Literacy Coordinator-GiGi’s Playhouse Raleigh, Kendall Geer’s Nana

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