Playhouse Inspiration – Syneous Health by Jeanhee Hoffman, ED

What an honor when you get a phone call that a local company wants to bring their employees to volunteer for a program during their workweek! Syneos Health visited GiGi’s Playhouse on May 17 and with their arms full of program supplies and all the makings for ice cream sundaes (all in-kind donations)!! They helped lead our Fantastic Friends program by making friendship bracelets, worked up a sweat by doing some balance exercises and then all participated in a “Soul Train” dance line. All the fun was wrapped up with everyone creating their very own ice cream sundaes with as little or as many toppings as you wanted! The employee behind coordinating this event was Ed Geer, husband to our Board Secretary, Rachel Geer, as well as parent to participant, Kendall. Kendall was able to play hooky from school and join the fun. It was a great opportunity for the Syneos Health employees who were first timers to GiGi’s Playhouse to learn about what we do and interact with our participants. At the end of the day, it’s about playing out our mission, changing the perception of Down syndrome and sending a global message of acceptance for all. Thank you Syneos Health for being a community partner with GiGi’s Playhouse! 

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