Happy Father’s Day!

The Toros Family

I am not worthy, but God blessed me with 3 amazing kids.


Shortly after marrying the love of my life, I was blessed to witness the birth of our firstborn, a moment that changed my life forever. My focus quickly shifted towards how to provide this little boy an opportunity to become a much better version of me. A couple of years later we had our second son, and filled with joy, life was good and complete! I thought we had it all figured out and we were done having kids.


About 7 years later, God knocked us on the side of the head with an opportunity to adopt a child, something I never thought possible for my heart to give. When we came across Mia’s profile, it’s hard to explain this, but I knew unequivocally with 100% certainty that she was my daughter. The rest is history.



Our 2 boys are the 2 best big brothers and protectors a girl could ask for, and they welcomed their little sister with arms wide open. As for Mia, she is the biggest fireball I’ve ever come across, the best hugger, sweetest and one of the most loving people I know. She’s my little princess and I admit she’s got me pretty well figured out. She’s smart, witty, sassy and funny. She’s overcome many obstacles fearlessly, tenaciously and relentlessly, and I’m her biggest fan. From open-heart surgery, to speech, to physical challenges, she is unstoppable. People often comment what a blessing we are to her for adopting her, but I’ll say from the bottom of my heart, she’s blessed our life one-hundred-fold.

I am an extremely blessed man!


For YOU future fathers of a child with Down syndrome. Have NO FEAR! Keep your chin up, LOVE your kid, make DISCIPLINE a priority, SET EXPECTATIONS, hold them ACCOUNTABLE, but ALWAYS give GRACE, to them and to yourself, LOVE them some more, ADVOCATE for them, and NEVER, EVER GIVE UP.


There are going to be tough days…very tough days. You will have to deal with painful realities from time to time. You’ll have to deal with ignorant people sometimes, so educate them about Down syndrome. One thing I can tell you for sure…the ENDLESS JOY that your child will bring you and your family is indescribable. That extra copy of the 21st chromosome they carry must be MAGICAL.                     

Mia & Her Dad

 Happy Father’s Day!

~Pepe Toro

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  1. Jeanhee Hoffman on June 18, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    Thank you Pepe for sharing your story. Happy Father’s Day!!

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