Enormous Capacity for Good


When I was a young boy, I’d often attend novenas (prayer service) with my mother, with a selfish motive deep in my heart:   As one of ten children, at least for that short time I had Mom all to myself.

On one particular evening the visiting priest was a missionary.  He was from Africa and his village was building a school.  He told us about digging a well and getting bricks and cement.  He said that soon they would need school supplies, and he looked directly at me.  “We need pencils, sharpeners, erasers, tablets, crayons, scissors….”  He was very persuasive.  The next day I walked downtown, and came back with a bagful of these very items – $8.50 worth, my lawn cutting money.  I proudly emptied the contents onto the kitchen table.  I learned a lot about generosity from my parents, especially my mother.  She explained that what the missionary really wanted was for people to send money; in that way they could buy a lot of stuff and get exactly what they needed at the right time.  She sent a check in the little envelope and before she sealed it, she told me it would be from both of us.  My siblings and I used the supplies I bought.  I’ve always remembered the caring feeling of helping out.

I am older now.  I’m not a missionary, I am a grandfather on a mission – and I’m asking for your help.  GiGi’s Playhouse-NYC is holding a “Dancing for Down Syndrome” party on June 14th.  It’s being held in the hall of the New Song Community Church, just a few blocks north of the Playhouse, up in Harlem.  This is a very first time fundraising Dance event, and our NYC families have been hard at work to ensure its success.  The hall capacity is 250 people, and yes, we’re looking forward to a rousing good time.  While we can’t all attend, we can all participate.  Here’s how you can help:

Go to: http://gigisplayhouse.donorpages.com/DanceforDowns2014NYC/

A.  Click on SPONSOR A DANCER by selecting a name, then making an online donation to help them toward their goal.  Be sure to leave an inspiring message.  If you are old fashioned, you can send a check to the Playhouse with instructions.  With your help, success is assured.  Make your donation now.  Even a small amount will make a big difference.  What a thrill for these young people to see that their effort is appreciated by so many.

B.  Now go a step further and forward this link to family and friends who will want to help, too.  Be the little engine that could.  Post it on your facebook page.  Give people a chance to show their better nature.

C.  If you are really inspired, go to the next level: REGISTER A NEW DANCER!   Click the “Register Today” button and follow the steps.  You can call the Playhouse for help (646-801-7529).  Here’s a chance to honor a loved one who has Down syndrome or to honor a special someone.

GiGi’s Playhouse-NYC relies on donations such as yours for financial support.  The cost of operating a nonprofit in New York City is an ongoing and daunting challenge.  Why would you want to contribute to GiGi’s Playhouse-NYC?  I invite you to research our organization, a volunteer-based and most genuine nonprofit serving the needs of the Down syndrome community.

This past week our founder, Nancy Gianni, was presented with the prestigious Social Entrepreneurship Award by Stevenson University in Maryland, as well as an Honorary Doctorate Degree in the Humanities.  GiGi’s joins past winners, KaBOOM! and Habitat for Humanity.  This unique award recognizes an individual (organization) that makes a  positive difference in quality of life in a sustainable and renewable manner.  With sixteen locations in the U.S. – and Mexico, we are positioned for further growth.  “What’s GiGi’s?” has become “That’s GiGi’s!”  We are a real and reliable go-to source for the Down syndrome community.

GiGi’s motto is “Educate. Inspire. Believe.”  We invite you to share with us in cultivating expectation and possibility.  By raising awareness, the stereotypes of my youth are being dispelled daily.  Barriers to advancement for persons with disability continue to be broken down.  True societal acceptance and inclusion – worldwide – is a goal.  With the help of GiGi’s Playhouse, individuals with Down syndrome are rising to new levels of achievement both in health and cognitive ability.  My grandson Louis is five years old and is learning how to read!  I admire Louis.  He works hard at everything he does and like all of us, he wants to be the best he can be.  He will reach a greater potential because we care.

Nancy Gianni will be the first to tell you that we each have an enormous capacity to do good.  Sometimes we have to discover it; always we must take action to achieve it.

Dear friends, there are many ways to dance.  We welcome you to become a participating member of GiGi’s Playhouse-NYC.  Support our “Dancing for Down Syndrome” effort.  Make a donation today.  Our positive action is having an impact and your gift will fortify all those on the journey.  By working together and forging capacities, a greater good is evolving.  We are helping to build futures and enhancing the promise of a better tomorrow.

Our NYC families thank you!  Welcome to GiGi’s Playhouse!

Go to: http://gigisplayhouse.donorpages.com/DanceforDowns2014NYC/

Richard Reilly
May, 2014
The Grandparent Connection
GiGi’s Playhouse-NYC

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  1. Heather Rodriiguez on May 24, 2014 at 9:49 pm

    Richard as always you inspire me with your words and with your passion to do good. Thank you! This event is going to be amazing!

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