We are ready for you 2021!

2020 brought the playhouse, and all of us, many challenges.

But we are READY to take on 2021. We have virtual programs scheduled, planned for and ready to go each month for all ages! We have in-person programs with safety precautions in place and limited number of individuals in the playhouse at a time to keep our particpants, their families and our volunteers safe.

We look forward to a new, innovative way to do our events and hopefully add a couple more!

While, we feel we are prepared, we always want to hear from YOU and get any and all input from our families. We are always open to questions, comments and concerns and strongly encourage you all to reach out with any that you have.


Recent Posts

GiGi Fit Acceptance Challenge

Another virtual 5k coming your way! We are so excited to participate in our the GiGi's Playhouse Nation Wide GiGi's Event! We will be sharing...

Join the Human Race on April 26th

Heroes Celebrating Charities in the Largest Nonprofit Collaborative Event in McHenry County! Join Us Today - Invite Others! Represent Gigi's Playhouse McHenry at the 2020...

Holiday Party Dec. 8th 4-6 pm

Enjoy a holiday celebration at the playhouse on Sunday Dec. 8th. Bring a snack, side dish or dessert to share. Main course is provided. Please...

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