Volunteer of the Month: Beth!

A true volunteer’s efforts are incredible and worth so much, but who better to find out more about our volunteer of the month than our GiGi Professional intern, Kiera? She sat down with Beth to interview her and find out more of her story. Here’s how it went…

Kiera: What brought you to GiGi’s?

Beth: I am a non-profit professional and I am connected to someone with Down syndrome. My best friend from childhood, her daughter has Down syndrome, and they go to GiGi’s in New Jersey and I was very excited to come to GiGi’s here because I care about them and it’s been great for Penny to have GiGi’s in her life and be supportive of that.

K: What all do you do as a volunteer?

B: I am volunteering in a few departments: interning with development, events, and programming. Right now, I’m helping events get ready for the Gala at the end of the month. After that, I’ll help with some more fundraising and also for the programs that go on here!

K: What is something new you’ve learned recently?

B: I didn’t know that GiGi’s had so many programs for adults! I knew about some of them, like Hugs and Mugs, but I learned about GiGi Professional and GiGiFIT and all of the other things, not just for young children, but for everybody.

K: What is your favorite part about GiGi’s?

B: I love getting to meet new people and I love meeting everyone here and getting to know what their goals and interests are. I want to be supportive of their goals while I work on mine too!

K: What are you hoping to do next?

B: I am going to start a grad school program to get a Master of Public Administration in nonprofit management so I can be someone who supports an organization like GiGi’s Playhouse as an employee.

K: How do you try to be Generation G?

B: I talk to people in my life, in my family, friends, community, and I share with them all of the positive experiences that I have at the playhouse and the wonderful people I meet here. I tell them about all that goes on in the community. And lots of social media! Lots of hashtagging!

K: What is your favorite gelato flavor?

B: Ooh, cookies and cream is the one! It’s always out because it’s the best!


Kiera did such a great job interviewing Beth! She was so professional and nice even though this was the first interview she’s ever done. She had good responses, shook Beth’s hand, and even made sure to treat her to some cookies and cream gelato in Hugs and Mugs!

We learned some great things about Beth. Everyone has a story and a reason why they are motivated to do what they do. To join her as one of our volunteers, visit our website and learn more!

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