GiGiFIT Infant Spotlight!

GiGiFIT Infant launched in March at the Hoffman Playhouse. 10 participants were a part of this pilot program that focuses on infants being introduced the concepts of foundational movements, mobility activities, visual-vestibular activities, and reflex integration.

Three-month-old Grace Greengard was one of the initial participants and has continued to enjoy her time at GiGiFIT Infant each Thursday morning. She is a celebrity at GiGiFIT Infant as all the leaders, volunteers, and other participants can’t wait to work out with her!


Grace’s mom, Antoinette, decided to come to GiGiFIT Infant to learn how to support Grace’s physical development at home. She feels that Grace’s involvement in GiGiFIT Infant is complimenting her physical therapy sessions and that her strength development is enhanced by the activities she does at GiGiFIT Infant. She responds so well to the songs that accompany the movements and loves playing with the new toys in class.


Her favorite thing about class is watching and interacting with the other babies. While Grace is benefiting so much, so is her mom! Antoinette has been able to meet other parents and caregivers of babies Grace’s age and learn about how to best care for Grace by sharing and comparing experiences. Antoinette says “I am encouraged and excited when I see all the awesome movements her slightly older peers are able to do!”


What a gift it is to give our infants this foundation of core strength and movements at this early age. A focus on fitness for all ages will make our individuals with Down syndrome even stronger. Learn more about our GiGiFIT programs here:

and stay tuned for launches of GiGiFIT You and I and GiGiFIT Toddler this Fall!

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