Melissa’s Miracle


My pregnancy with Peter was a little difficult.  We found out we were four weeks pregnant and we were over joyed. We had been married for three months and we were already one month pregnant. At six weeks pregnant I started to bleed. I went to the doctors and was told I was having a miscarriage. Days went by, and then weeks where I was still bleeding. Our next appointment my hormone levels were great and we heard the most amazing and heart lifting sound, Peter’s heartbeat. We knew then that this child would be a gift from God.

We did the typical testing that was offered without any indication of Down Syndrome. Blood work, ultrasounds, etc. all came back without any signs of Down Syndrome. At five months we found out we were having a boy and we decided we would name him Peter Francis after both of our fathers.Peter1

When I was thirty nine weeks and five days pregnant I went to the doctors for our weekly checkup. Peter had moved from being in the down position for weeks to a transverse breech position. Peter’s head was on my right side, his back along my cervix and his feet on my left side. We decided to attempt a version to move him back in to place. We went to Hinsdale Hospital the next day for the version. The doctor completed the version but then Peter’s heart rate dropped dramatically for about a minute. Peter’s heart rate went back to normal but our doctor recommended we have an emergency c-section. We met Peter about 15 – 20 minutes later. I was rolled into recovery to find my husband Joe sitting with our brand new baby boy and my life seemed complete. After several minutes I was finally able to hold Peter for the first time. I was scared because I could not stop shaking because of the medications but I couldn’t wait any longer to hold my baby boy. After a couple of minutes holding him the neonatologist came and took Peter from me. I assumed this was their normal procedure to perform checks at certain times after birth. She stripped him down to his diaper, held him up by his neck and bum and said ” this is why I believe your son has Down Syndrome” all while flipping him back and forth.

I knew little to nothing about Down Syndrome. I have an aunt that has Down Syndrome but lives in Europe so I did not have much exposure to it. The neonatologist said “we need to take him for an echocardiogram to look for defects in his heart.” My husband and I looked at each other, where I could see the fear in his eyes and I’m sure he saw it in mine.

Peter had a PDA that required him to be on oxygen, which meant a stay in the NICU. The next couple days were very hard on us all. Our families, like us, were in complete shock. We were all so worried. A couple days after Peter was born I received a visitor, a woman by the name of Chris. She was a patient and a friend of my OB/GYN. She had had an undiagnosed son with Down Syndrome too. We spoke for hours. She told me her story, and about her son. By the time she walked out of my room I knew that regardless of anything that happens from here on out everything would be ok. Chris had told me about GiGi’s Playhouse.melissa

I was discharged on September 11 which was Peters due date. Peter was not discharged because he could not sustain appropriate oxygen levels without being on oxygen. Luckily, Hinsdale Hospital had a boarding program so I never left the hospital. I was able to move into an unoccupied wing next to the NICU just for parents with children in the NICU. We were there for 18 days total. Peter came home without being on oxygen with both Mommy and Daddy.
Peter has amazed us in every way. He is pulling up to stand, will sign “eat and happy.” He will tap two toys together, clap his hands, and laugh all the time. He is constantly smiling. He loves spending time with his family and his dogs. He is very social. He thrives on attention and eye contact.

Peter has a great early intervention team. Carrie, his physical therapist, has been with him since birth. He has a very busy schedule with aquatherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. He will also be starting developmental therapy soon. We attend the LMNOP class at Gigi’s Playhouse on Tuesday’s and try to attend the Crawlers class the second Saturday of the month. He loves spending time with all of his little friends at open play.

Peter is now 14 months old. He still has a small PDA that is closing on its own. Peter has also been diagnosed with acid reflux, lyringamalaicsia, and hypothyroidism. Peter had to have tubes put in both ears. These conditions are nothing in comparison to what he could have and what many of his friends he’s made at Gigs Playhouse have.
We attended Gigis Playhouse for the first time when Peter was two months old. It was just what I needed. Peter was whisked out of my arms almost immediately and I was surrounded by a group of women that had all been where I was at one point or another. I had yet to feel any sort of comfort introducing Peter to anyone or even allowing anyone else, besides family, hold him until that day. I knew then that we had found a home for life at Gigi’s Playhouse.

-Melissa (Peter’s Mom)

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  1. Bonnie Merritt on November 26, 2014 at 5:29 pm

    Melissa & Joe,

    Melissa you don’t know me but I know Joe. I worked with Joe many years ago at Frankfort Fire. I have followed your journey with Peter on Joe’s FB page. He looks so happy every single time his picture is posted. I can tell you both and your famiy LOVE LOVE Peter. He will grow up to be an outstanding little boy because of the care, love and happiness you provide for him. My thoughts are with you, Peter and Joe. Your guys are special MOM & DAD!

  2. Keisha Gray on December 6, 2014 at 9:24 pm

    Congrats on yr beautiful son. I am the mother of a 3 1/2 yr old son diagnosed with Down Syndrome pre natal. he is my only child n I could not have loved or wanted him more. Those were the only two things I knew f sure. Each day is a blessing n he is the best gift I have n could have ever received. He too had a small PDA which closed at 1 yr old, and jus had the tubes Inserted yesterday. Otherwise healthy n happy in every way. He’s walking and in pre-k classes. His speech is still not there yet, but now tubes inserted n in time it’s coming. i have no regrets!!Best wishes

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