Spotlight: Katie Vaughan, site coordinator
Thank you Naperville Magazine for giving me the opportunity to share what it means to me to be a part of the GiGi’s Playhouse family. Working here as site coordinator is a dream come true. Every day I know that I am making the world a better place for my daughter and all individuals with Down syndrome, their families and communities. I get to see the best in people every day. I see people giving their time as they volunteer as program leaders, assistants, host families, and interns. I see people donate their treasures by dropping off toys and wish list items, donating silent auction items for our gala, running in the Naperville half marathon to raise money, having fundraisers at their workplace like Orange Theory, or making monthly donations. Finally I am blessed to be a part of the educational and therapeutic programs offered and see the the progress of our participants and the gratitude of our parents.
Read the Naperville Magazine Humanitarian article here.
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