October 6th- Kelli and Jack
“Since as far back as I can remember I wanted a family. Typically, a family starts with 2 people who fall in love and blah, blah, blah. Well, that didn’t happen for me, but I still wanted a family….children.
I turned to IVF and after 9 losses I was finally pregnant! 9 weeks later a nurse practitioner called to tell me my baby had Down syndrome and we needed to discuss termination because he would never go to school, never talk or walk and surely I couldn’t afford his medical bills. I told that woman she doesn’t know me or my baby and that’s not how our story goes! I found a new OB who celebrated my pregnancy and helped me welcome him into the world.
Now my son is almost 4 years old. He goes to school, rides the bus, communicates with his friends, plays basketball, participates in dance class and does everything else a 3 year old does! Anything is possible for him and anyone else who happens to have Down syndrome. I hope one day to see him go to college, find a job, have a girlfriend and get married. I can’t wait to see what his future holds.”
– Kelli- mom to Jack
Jack enjoys going to Family Fun Night, Destination Discovery, and Dance at GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley!
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You are inspirational. Jack makes the world a better place thank you for being strong!