October 26- Annabelle and Jessica

“This is Annabelle Grace! She was born in October 2014, so she just turned five! Annabelle brings so much joy and laughter to our family.

Annabelle’s diagnosis was a surprise to us, we found out right after she was born. There was a period of adjustment since she spent her first three weeks in the NICU. It was especially difficult because her big brother and big sister were not able to meet her until she came home from the hospital. After we came home from the hospital we established her team of specialists and started early intervention to give her the best possible start that we could.

One of my major worries during those first few months of her life was how her siblings would react to her diagnosis once they were old enough to fully understand what it was. I had questions about their relationship and how her diagnosis would impact their relationship. All of my worries were quickly put to rest as her siblings fell in love with her. Their bond has only grown stronger and stronger over the years. It has been an incredible experience to see this develop. Annabelle and her sister Avery love to play together. Avery is an incredible teacher, helper and protector to her little sister. They love to play school, dance and play with our neighbors. Aidan is a loving big brother & doesn’t hesitate to wrestle & teach her how to be tough! He loves making up songs to sing with her and he teaches her creativity with all of the games they make up. They are so so lucky to have one another.  While reflecting back over their relationship, they came up with this top 10 list of things they love about their sister, Annabelle!”


  1. She gives the best snuggles.
  2. She’s extra cute.
  3. When someone is sad she’s the first person to come & check on them.
  4. She is our biggest fan when we play soccer and baseball.
  5. She likes to make up songs about us.
  6. She misses us when we are at school and asks for us all day.
  7. I like to play school and barbies with her.
  8. I love to make bracelets with her and make art.
  9. She is super funny & loves to make us laugh.
  10. She can always make me feel better if I’m sad about something.

Annabelle is active in Dance, Family Fun Night, walked in our St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and was a model for our 1st fashion show

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  1. David Fiday on October 26, 2019 at 9:09 pm

    Great article that captures everything we love about all of you.
    Papa David

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