November 13- Emily and Steps Dance Center
November 13
30 Days of Gratitude
Day 13-Emily Rosenberg and Steps Dance Center
GiGi’s Playhouse and Steps Dance Center have been a match made in heaven for the last 5 years. We are so grateful not only for their generous donations, but also for Emily and all she does with Dance w/ GiGi’s @ Steps. This program has been going strong for 5 years now and has blossomed into 3 different programs: Little Lights for ages 3-6, Dazzle (a competitive dance team) ages 6-12, and Radiance (a competitive dance team) ages 13+. Dance is one of our most popular programs because of Ms. Emily and the dancers at Steps. Each GiGi’s participant is paired with a dancer who supports them through learning different skills that also improve our participants gross motor skills. Our participants practice new skills and the dancers are always so supportive and enthusiastic! And talk about enthusiastic, Emily is always game to try something new and support GiGi’s- whether its starting a new dance group, donating gingerbread houses, having a summer camp where Owen can show off with his push ups, leading a group dance at Family Fun Night, going to the gala, arranging for the dancers to dance at the Buddywalk each year, and now being a board member. We are so lucky to have you!!!
The Little Lights dancers will be performing in the “A Snowy, Royal Holiday” at Steps Dance Center on December 15th at 1pm. Tickets are $5 and can be bought at the door the day of the recital.
Look for more information about Dance w/ GiGi’s @ Steps for our 2020 schedule to come out soon!!!
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