November 10- Leadership Conference
November 10
30 Days of Gratitude
Day 10- Leadership Conference
The National Leadership Conference included opportunities for GiGi’s Playhouse staff, volunteers, self-advocates, and board members to learn from each other. There were over 90 different break out sessions and so many different applications of ways we can build upon the successes at GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley.
Break out sessions attended:
General Sessions: Achieving your Standards of Execution, Leveraging the Strength of GiGi’s National Brand, Protecting the GiGi’s Network and your Playhouse, President’s Voice, State of the Business, State of Our Technology
Leadership: Staff Round Table: Teams with a Single Staff Person, President’s Round Table, Board Evolution and Diversity, Metrics to Drive your Playhouse Goals
Marketing & Community: DSA Connections, The Website-Blog-Social Media- Newsletter Connection, Community Engagement Round Table, Spreading Generation G in Your Schools
Programs: Dual Diagnosis: “A Very Different Journey”, GiGi’s Kitchen, Literacy Tutoring Overview, Promoting Positive Behaviors for Teen and Adult Learners, GiGi’s Playhouse Signature Programs, Math Tutoring Overview, Strategies to Incorporate Speech and Language Skills in all GiGi’s Programs, GiGi’s Career Internship Programs, All are Welcome: Inclusion or Exclusion?, SLP Partnerships with Universities, Improv for Adults- Stand Up for Downs, Executing a Career Training Program in a Retail Environment- Learnings and Successes, Movement Lab: GiGiFIT Infant and GiGiFIT Toddler
Operations & Volunteer Management: Interest to Action- Engaging and Retaining Volunteers
Technology & Data Management: Salesforce Lightening Teaser, The Value of Opportunity Data, Data Integrity, What Does the Network Want in Salesforce?
Financial Health & Risk: Successful Monthly Finance Processing
Fundraising & Events: Capital Campaigns for Growth, Special Event Team Strategies, How to Grow your Social Donor Base, Engaging Corporations for Fundraising Success
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