Meet Sammy

Introducing Sammy

“Hi!!! I’m Maddie (Madison) Braet, Sammy’s older sister, I will be saying what we love to do together & how  Sammy is my best friend, and how important she is to me.

Me and Sammy do everything together, but we love to dress up like princess’s and dance to songs & Sky will join too, my lil sister.  Sometimes we jump together on our trampoline, also we play baby sometimes, and we tickle each other, while tackling our dad:)

Me and Sammy are best friends, b/c me and Sammy are like ‘Ralph and Venellope’ from the movie Wreck It Ralph.  We are BFFs, we always play together, we cuddle and sometime sleep with each other.

Sammy is so important to me b/c she’s my best friend, my sister and she’s Sammy.

Thank you!!!”

written by Maddie, Sammy’s sister

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  1. Nancy Nolan on October 23, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    This is so touching. Such sisterly love ❤️

  2. Meagan Hoffmeister on October 24, 2020 at 11:43 am

    Okay that made me for real cry with how much I miss seeing your family! So much love!

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