Meet Luke

Introducing Luke, grade 5

  “It might be cliche, but Luke has truly taught us more about life than we could have ever imagined. His surprise diagnosis at birth was devastating and scary. If only we could go back 11 years to those terrified parents and tell them what a true gift this was! Luke has experienced countless medical setbacks since birth, but he’s fought back with such determination, pride and grace. To know Luke is to love and adore him. He’s never met a stranger and inspires so many around him. He has three siblings (twin sister, younger sister and older brother) who protect him and have learned the value of acceptance, kindness and inclusion because of their Lukey! Without a doubt, we are all better because of him!!”

– written by Mom, Jana

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1 Comment

  1. Valerie Gabrione on October 16, 2020 at 6:27 pm

    To know Luke is to know love! He makes my day every time I see him because there’s no other person that is more excited to see me. We love him so much and has brought so much joy to our family!

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