Inside GiGi’s: Our Why

Inside GiGi’s: Our Why

Every week at GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley, we provide free purposeful programming for families in our community that have a loved one with Down syndrome. Have you ever wondered how we do it? Have you ever wondered what all goes on to make each and every program, event, and opportunity possible? With only one person on staff, our site coordinator Katie Vaughan, how on Earth does everything happen every week?

Well, it can’t! Without you, that is. We rely on volunteers! Our volunteers hang out with us every week at programs, but they also do so much behind the scenes. What does every volunteer have in common? They care about our why! “Our Why” is our mission statement, “To change the way world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all.” I think everyone in our GiGi’s Fox Valley family cares deeply about our why.

Here are some of our “Why”s- 

“GiGi’s Fox Valley allows our son to be confident, to be comfortable, to be a leader. He is among his Tribe, and he flourishes.” -Tanya Jarvis (parent and program leader of Teen Tastic)

“I love GiGi’s this make new friends and friends so much fun to talk and learn how to play.” -Nicole Jurec (participant)

“I love GiGi’s Playhouse because it provides tutoring and fun programs for my daughter that needs social interactions and friendships.” -Olga Jurec (parent)

My volunteer role here at GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley is to be a voice of our mission. As the social media and marketing intern, I am sending out what the public will see. We may be their first impression of someone with Down syndrome. We may be a mom’s first sense of comfort after a new diagnosis. We may be a sibling’s first resource. What we put out on our social media matters because we are changing the way the world views Down syndrome.

So why do we post super amazing pictures of your child or friend or family member with Down syndrome? We want to CELEBRATE them! And we want the world to celebrate them.

But a global message of acceptance for all doesn’t just happen. We need help! Do you want to join us in our mission? Join us and let’s show the world how to celebrate those we love with Down syndrome!

-Abi Bradshaw


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