Heart Warrior- Jack

Happy Valentine’s Day!

February is known as being the heart month, and did you know that approximately half of all children born with Down syndrome have a heart defect? On this day we would like to honor all the heart warriors!!!!
Here is the story of Jack, as told by his mom, Kelli:

“Jack has a rare heart condition that is found in 1% of the population and even less in individuals with Down syndrome. I was lucky enough to have the cardiologist who was the
1st in the US to discover Jack’s heart condition in utero. It was found at 20 weeks gestation and I was able to learn all about it by the time he was born and prepare for possible immediate heart surgery after birth with the possibility of the surgery happening either months or years later.
Jack has right aortic arch with a vascular ring. He was born perfect, no heart surgery needed. He got sick often, however, and sounded like he was drowning. The vascular ring was strangling his esophagus and trachea and surgery was definite, but he had to get healthy. At 10 months old he had his heart surgery. Unlike most heart surgeries, to get to his vascular ring they had to go through his back. They said it was even more painful than the chest because he would be laying on the wound every time he tried to rest or sleep. He was in terrible pain for a month following surgery, but has fully recovered and rocking his best life!”

We love you Jack and Kelli, thanks for sharing your story!

GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley would love to honor our heart warriors, so if you have a story to tell please contact us!!!!

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  1. Diane Walworth on February 14, 2020 at 10:30 pm

    Jack is an amazing little boy with an amazing Mom! They have taught us all many life lessons and I can’t wait to see more of how he is rocking his world!

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