GenerationG- Lauren Molloy

Generation G in Action- Lauren Molloy

Be Accepting
When Lauren learned that her daughter, Autumn, was going to be born with Down Syndrome she sprang into action. She was only 13 weeks along in her pregnancy but she wanted to learn as much about Down syndrome as she could. Part of her journey involved visiting GiGi’s Playhouse Fox Valley, Lauren and her Husband, Brendon, joined LMNOP one Friday morning to tour and acquaint herself with our programs.  Right away, Lauren remembers feeling welcomed and accepted. Lauren also attended a Family Fun Night with her daughter, Josie (2 years old at the time), and her mom, Mary Ellen, and still remembers and embraces those early on connections with other families.


Lauren recently met a fellow mom on the Gene Rockin’ Moms Facebook page who had not experienced that same sense of connection yet within the Down Syndrome Community, so she made sure to connect her to GiGi’s Playhouse.

Be Generous

When Autumn was born, Lauren continued to be embraced by her community. She had family and friends coordinate a meal train when Autumn had her open heart surgery, and a loving friend continues to bring meals on Wednesdays. Lauren has learned that it is okay to accept help from others; She said “Autumn has grounded us. We’ve seen the true meaning of what’s important to focus on in life and with that who are true tribe is. Asking or accepting help isn’t a sign of weakness, in life we need to put our pride aside and rely on those who are willing to lend a hand when we need it most.”

Lauren said that there have been so many people that have come out of the woodwork with their generosity to her family with actions such as providing meals, lighting a prayer candle at church, etc. All these acts of kindness have been unexpected, but so graciously appreciated, that Lauren strives and is dedicated to Pay it Forward even if it’s in the small or simplest ways.  While it might not be much, she feels what goes around comes around and we could all use a little surprise pick me up.

When Autumn no longer needed her NG tube
supplies, Lauren asked on a local DS Mom’s page if another mom could use the supplies.  One mom replied that she could, but Lauren didn’t stop there. She gathered her community to find other supplies the mom needed, including Christmas presents, meals from Little Pops Pizzeria, and more. She had an entire mini-van full of supplies to deliver to ensure this Mom felt the love and support from the community!

Be Kind

Lauren has learned from Autumn how important it is to be accepting, be generous, be kind. And Lauren has enjoyed spreading her mind and heart to others- offering support, getting donations for the Playhouse, dancing the night away at the Gala, volunteering at our New Year’s Parade handing out gifts, and now helping out with our GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge on June 5th.

Thank you Lauren for bringing a positive attitude and a smile wherever you go, and always being Generation G!


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  1. Peggy Beata on February 7, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Lauren is the quintessential lioness of a mother . . . strong, protective and creative in her approach to her daughters. Talk about an ambassador for the DS community! Lauren could run the UN.

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