Generation G- Antoinette and Usborne

Generation G- Antoinette and Usborne Books

“We first visited GiGi’s Playhouse when I was expecting Grace. We had known she had Down syndrome for a few months but GiGi’s was the first place that Grace was celebrated for being exactly who she is! I remember receiving a welcome bag with gifts for Grace and it was one of the many things that made GiGi’s Playhouse immediately feel like home!

Usborne books have always been some of Grace’s favorites. The board books are educational, interactive, and absolutely beautiful. When I became a consultant and found out I could run a book drive in which Usborne would match donations at 50%, I knew I had to do one for GiGi’s!

I hope new families enjoy these fantastic books as much as we do. If our family and friends’ contributions to the celebration bags help a new family feel the love the GiGi’s family has for their child, we met our goal!”

Antoinette and Usborne books dontated over $1200 in new books for our celebration bags for new families.  Thank you, Antoinette, for your generosity and sharing your beautiful daughter with us.  We are honored to be considered home to your family!

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